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27th Main Road, Opp KLM Mall

Opening Hours

10:00 : 20:00 All Days except Tuesdays

Wisdom Tooth Extraction

What does the removal of wisdom teeth mean?

A wisdom tooth normally starts erupting between the ages of 18-25 years of age. Generally the wisdom tooth needs to be removed or extracted due to following reasons.

  • There is a discrepancy between the size of the wisdom tooth and space in the jaws, so the wisdom tooth might be locked. They get locked below the last present molar in the jaw. 

  • There is a developmentally abnormal position like horizontal, mesial or distally tilted. In these conditions they might not get a clear path of eruption and they might stay locked inside the jaw. 

  • There is a  partial eruption and causes a pocket in the soft tissue covering them . Food often gets lodged in this and when chronic it causes local infection. This is called pericoronitis .

  • Sometimes the lodgement of food can cause decay in the wisdom tooth as well as in the molar before it.

  • Sometimes there might be a developmental cyst in the bone surrounding the wisdom tooth called a Dentigerous cyst. 

  • When the upper wisdom tooth is erupting in an outside way it can cause chronic cheek irritation and cheek biting. 

All these factors indicate the need for wisdom tooth extraction.


What are the steps of wisdom tooth removal?

In a painless method, the area is anesthetised. As the tooth is locked inside the bone, the covering soft tissue is cut in the way that enough area is exposed. AFter this flap is open , the bone covering the wisdom tooth is cut just enough to facilitate its path of removal. Sometimes when the tooth is locked in a very transverse position , the tooth is split into 2-3 parts and individual parts of the tooth are removed. Cleaning and debridement of the tooth socket is done . Any sharp point of the bone are trimmed. Then the flap is sutured back with a suturing material. 


Does it pain after the wisdom tooth extraction procedure?

Written and well explained instructions are given to you along with post operative medicines. We ensure that you have no pain during and after the procedure.


What are the dos and don'ts after wisdom tooth removal?

Do’s are

  1. Bite on the cotton for 30 mins .

  2. Take your prescribed medicines on time. 

  3. Have soft , cold, bland food for 2-3 days .

  4. Brush normally from the next day.

  5. Local ice application to reduce the swelling.

Don'ts are

  1. Do not gargle vigorously.

  2. Do not spit after the procedure.

  3. Avoid hot , hard, spicy food.

  4. Avoid the use of straw .

  5. Do not touch the area with your finger or tongue.

  6. Avoid strenuous exercises for 2-3 days after the procedure.


How much does a wisdom tooth removal cost in Bangalore?

The cost of upper wisdom tooth removal starts from Rs 3000 and for lower wisdom tooth removal it starts from Rs 5000.


Does it cause swelling after the wisdom tooth extraction procedure ?

It might swell after the procedure as bone is cut and inflammatory cells are released.But following the prescribed medicines and post operative instructions will ensure that this is negligible and managed well. 


What are the complications after tooth removal ?

The complications are minimal with chances of bleeding, pain, swelling , limited mouth opening. They last for a few hours-few days and can be managed . Get in touch with the clinic and doctor in case of any discomfort.


Can lower jaw fracture after wisdom tooth removal? 

This is a very rare complication . It is cited in textbooks and literature says it is 0.005% chance .It happens if there is additional pre-existing bone pathology present. 


Can lingual nerve injury happen after wisdom tooth removal?

Again this is a rare complication. It can happen in 0.02-2% cases. A proper flap elevation and guided bone cutting reduces the chances of this.


How to brush after wisdom tooth removal?

You can brush the next day after tooth removal as you do normally. The doctor might advise you to avoid touching the surgical site directly. You are also advised to gargle gently. 


Can you drink or smoke after wisdom tooth removal?

Alcoholic beverages affect the metabolism of medicines. As both alcohol and medicines are metabolised by liver, the presence of alcohol alters the metabolism of medicines. There might be prolonged or increased intensity of side effects like gastritis, drowsiness, nausea .There could be decreased intended effect of medicines. So it is advised to avoid alcohol for the duration of medicines.


What to eat after wisdom tooth removal?

You should have food which is soft as it will be easier to chew.

Prefer food which is at  room temperature or colder .This will help in faster healing.Hot food or beverages might increase the blood supply locally and cause more bleeding. 

Food which is easily digestible should also be preferred .

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