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27th Main Road, Opp KLM Mall

Opening Hours

10:00 : 20:00 All Days except Tuesdays

Root Canal Treatment

What is a root canal treatment or RCT ?

  • When the decay in the tooth reaches deep and involves the pulp tissue (innermost part of the teeth which houses nerves and blood vessels), there is pain and  sensitivity with that tooth. Removal of infected and inflamed pulp tissue is the process of root canal treatment, also known as RCT. If left untreated, the symptoms of pain and sensitivity continue and the disease progresses further deep in the bone and causes bone loss, involvement of neighbouring teeth and loss of the tooth.


What are the steps in RCT ?

Because of the infection , there might be pain in that tooth. Thus the treatment steps of RCT are 

  • Numbing the area along with the involved tooth with anaesthetic solution in a painless technique.

  • The decayed part of the tooth is removed and an access hole is made to access the pulp.

  • The decayed and infected pulp is removed.

  • The root canal which housed the pulp is then shaped in a sequential way to remove the infected part of the tooth. These cleaned canals are then filled with an inert filling such as gutta-percha and a sealer like a zinc oxide eugenol-based cement, resin based sealer.These sealers fill the spaces between the gutta-percha and the walls of root canal.

  • Final restoration of tooth structure with a strength bearing tooth colored filling is done. 

  • Your tooth that had a root canal therapy should be protected with a crown that covers the cusps of the tooth. This is because the access made into the root canal system removes a significant amount of tooth structure.


How many appointments are required?

RCT can be done in single to multiple visits. Multiple visits are needed if

  •  If time needs to be allowed for lessening of symptoms such as pain and infection.

  • Infection which has reached beyond the tooth in the surrounding bone.

  • Chronic infection which has caused pus and needs drainage time.


How much does the treatment cost?

  • Root canal can cost you up to ₹ 4500-5500 depending on the tooth involved .

  • If a crown needs to be fabricated, additional cost will be incurred as per material of the crown.


Does the root canal treatment pain?

  • No, since it is done after anaesthetising the tooth ,the process is almost painless. 


Does it pain after the root canal treatment?

  • Since there is a possibility of a mild discomfort after the process, pain killer tablets  are recommended for a day following the treatment if needed.


What is Re-RCT?

Sometimes a RCT treated tooth can still continue to pain or cause sensitivity immediately or after years of lying dormant . In these cases a ReRCT needs to be done , which involves removal of the present filling and reshaping of the canal and inserting of a new filling.

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